Ventoy secure boot support
Ventoy secure boot support

Thanks will try all this BTW secure boot is off. And the fact that I kind of hate Apple a little. There is only one thing stopping me from throwing in the towel with this and that is the fact that hosting a windows 10 VM on a 2022 mac is still a not-ready-for-prime-time proposition. I’m perfectly capable of working through these kinds of things on my own but I thought I was buying something with a little more maturity of integration than I have seen thus far. I will be looking to see whether there is a HW compatible wifi card that has centos support because that is what I am gravitating towards, however it would be nice if somebody commented on the manjaro fiasco. Clearly I shouldn’t have done the roll-your-own version of this, but I never expected these kinds of problems on install of a suggested OS. I didn’t buy an ethernet port, thinking I didn’t need one, so I’m in a bit of a nether world at the moment. I blew 3 to 4 hours on these machinations and in mint, which is supposed to be trouble free for this machine I still didn’t get a loaded driver for the wifi. Then I got that fixed and burned mint, but when I installed mint half the time the trackpad wouldn’t work and it took a power cycle to fix it. So I made a boot usb for manjaro but the manjaro download page gives you some weird flavor of iso that destroyed the mbr of the usb drive so that was no good. I have used both mint and manjaro and currently prefer manjaro.

ventoy secure boot support ventoy secure boot support

My bad there because centos wasn’t listed as a compatible OS. I started with centos 7 which I got running without too much drama. I have not had the greatest experience getting it to work. Love the display aspect ratio and that was one reason I bought one.

Ventoy secure boot support